As Bollywood celebrates the birthday of its Badshah, fans around the world pay tribute to the legendary journey of Shah Rukh Khan. From a young Delhi boy with big dreams to the ultimate global superstar, SRK’s life story is nothing short of a Bollywood script. His rise to fame, his love story with Gauri, his family life, and his unmatched dedication to cinema have made him an icon whose charm transcends borders. As Bollywood celebrates the birthday of its Badshah, fans around the world pay tribute to the legendary journey of Shah Rukh Khan. From a young Delhi boy with big dreams to the ultimate global superstar, SRK’s life story is nothing short of a Bollywood script. His rise to fame, his love story with Gauri, his family life, and his unmatched dedication to cinema have made him an icon whose charm transcends borders. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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