Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan took to his Instagram profile to share a video dedicated to Coldplay singer Chris Martin on Monday. For those who don’t know, Chris performed with his band in Mumbai’s DY Patil stadium on January 19 and mentioned the Indian actor. During a gig, Chris mentioned SRK and said, ‘Shah Rukh Khan forever,’ before changing the beats during his concert. Now the Indian actor has responded to Chris’ affection with love and heartfelt note. Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan took to his Instagram profile to share a video dedicated to Coldplay singer Chris Martin on Monday. For those who don’t know, Chris performed with his band in Mumbai’s DY Patil stadium on January 19 and mentioned the Indian actor. During a gig, Chris mentioned SRK and said, ‘Shah Rukh Khan forever,’ before changing the beats during his concert. Now the Indian actor has responded to Chris’ affection with love and heartfelt note. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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