Kolkata: Stallion India IPO is a mainboard issue that is designed to raise Rs 199.45 crore from the market. The issue is a combination of fresh issue of 1.79 crore shares aggregating to Rs 160.73 crores and offer for sale of 0.43 crore shares aggregating to Rs 38.72 crores. Stallion India IPO bidding opened for subscription on January 16, 2025 and will close on January 20, 2025. The allotment of shares for Stallion India IPO will take place on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The shares will list on BSE and NSE on Thursday, January 23, 2025. January 22 has been scheduled as the date to refund application money to unsuccessful applicants. Successful applicants will get shares credit to their demat accounts on the same day.
Stallion India Fluorochemicals – theta’s the full name of the company) deals in refrigerant chemicals and industrial gases. It has successfully mopped up Rs 59.83 crore from six anchor investors on January 15. The list of anchor investors includes Saint Capital Fund, Ashika Global Securities, Craft Emerging Market Fund, Mint Focussed Growth Fund, Ashika India Select Fund, and Leading Light Fund.
Stallion India IPO GMP
The GMP of Stallion India IPO was recorded at Rs 48 on the morning of January 16. Considering a price band of Rs 85.00-90.00 per share, the GMP signals a listing price of Rs 138, which amounts to a listing gain of 53.33%, according to investorgain. However, it must be remembered that GMP is an unofficial gauge that does not guarantee listing gain (or loss). It is also liable to change with time.
Stallion India IPO price band, lot size
The face value of a share is Rs 10. It has been placed in the price band of Rs 85.00-90.00 per share. A retail investor can apply for a minimum lot of 165 shares that calls for an application money of Rs 14,850. For the sHNI category of investors the minimum lot has 2,310 shares which would cost Rs 2,07,900 and that for big HNIs would consist of 11,220 shares which would need an application money of Rs 10,09,800. Sarthi Capital Advisors has been appointed as the book running lead manager while Bigshare Services is the registrar for the issue.
(Disclaimer: This article is only meant to provide information. News9 does not recommend buying or selling shares or subscriptions of any IPO and Mutual Funds.)
Stallion India IPO GMP (Grey Market Premium) stood at a hefty 53.33% on the morning of January 16, the first day of bidding for the issue of Rs 199.45 crore. Each share has been priced at Rs 85-90 and the minimum lot size consists of 165 shares that need an application money of Rs 14,850. The date for allotment has been fixed on January 21, 2025. Markets Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today