Ace filmmaker Subhash Ghai on Sunday took to his X (formerly called Twitter) handle and shared his latest health update with his fans. He was admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital due to health concerns on Saturday. In his latest post, he also thanked his fans for their love and well-wishers. ”I feel so blessed to know that I’ve so many friends expressing their love n affection for my health. after my hectic stint at IFFI goa. ALL IS WELL NOW n see u soon. SMILE AGAIN. thank you,” he wrote in his post. Ace filmmaker Subhash Ghai on Sunday took to his X (formerly called Twitter) handle and shared his latest health update with his fans. He was admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital due to health concerns on Saturday. In his latest post, he also thanked his fans for their love and well-wishers. ”I feel so blessed to know that I’ve so many friends expressing their love n affection for my health. after my hectic stint at IFFI goa. ALL IS WELL NOW n see u soon. SMILE AGAIN. thank you,” he wrote in his post. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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