Salman Khan’s famous reality show Bigg Boss 18 is going to start soon on Colors TV. The makers also shared the promo of the season some time ago, which has made the fans very excited. The names of the contestants also keep coming up on social media every day, but no official information has been revealed yet. Now a report is coming out, according to which Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah star Sodhi aka Gurcharan Singh is going to enter Bigg Boss 18. Salman Khan’s famous reality show Bigg Boss 18 is going to start soon on Colors TV. The makers also shared the promo of the season some time ago, which has made the fans very excited. The names of the contestants also keep coming up on social media every day, but no official information has been revealed yet. Now a report is coming out, according to which Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah star Sodhi aka Gurcharan Singh is going to enter Bigg Boss 18. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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