The Family Star, starring Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur in the lead roles, is all set to land in Hindi version on OTT. JioCinema on Tuesday announced the release date of the film’s Hindi version on its platform. The film will be released on the platform on June 28. However, the film was already available on OTT before JioCinema. The Family Star premiered on Amazon Prime Video in April in three languages including Kannada, Tamil and Telugu. ”The kind of a (star emoji) you didn’t know existed! The Family Star streaming 28th June onwards, exclusively on JioCinema Premium,” wrote JioCinema along with a poster of Vijay from the film. The Family Star, starring Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur in the lead roles, is all set to land in Hindi version on OTT. JioCinema on Tuesday announced the release date of the film’s Hindi version on its platform. The film will be released on the platform on June 28. However, the film was already available on OTT before JioCinema. The Family Star premiered on Amazon Prime Video in April in three languages including Kannada, Tamil and Telugu. ”The kind of a (star emoji) you didn’t know existed! The Family Star streaming 28th June onwards, exclusively on JioCinema Premium,” wrote JioCinema along with a poster of Vijay from the film. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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