Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri never shy away from expressing their love on social media, be it sharing loved-up pictures, pulling legs or encouraging each other on their achievements. The duo have been setting major couple goals ever since they tied the knot three decades ago, however, there was a time when Gauri’s parents were against her marriage. A video of the couple has now surfaced on the internet in which both are engaged in a deep conversation. Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri never shy away from expressing their love on social media, be it sharing loved-up pictures, pulling legs or encouraging each other on their achievements. The duo have been setting major couple goals ever since they tied the knot three decades ago, however, there was a time when Gauri’s parents were against her marriage. A video of the couple has now surfaced on the internet in which both are engaged in a deep conversation. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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