Bollywood’s power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their first child on 8 September 2024. Deepika-Ranveer has started a new chapter of their life with the arrival of their daughter. Fans are now eagerly waiting for the face reveal. Meanwhile, now an old video of new father Ranveer Singh has surfaced where he was seen talking about being a ‘girl dad’. Bollywood’s power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their first child on 8 September 2024. Deepika-Ranveer has started a new chapter of their life with the arrival of their daughter. Fans are now eagerly waiting for the face reveal. Meanwhile, now an old video of new father Ranveer Singh has surfaced where he was seen talking about being a ‘girl dad’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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