Actress Trisha Krishnan is all set to share screen space with South star Suriya’s next movie after a long gap of 20 years. The film will be helmed by RJ Balaji and is tentatively titled Suriya 45. The duo last starred together in the 2005 film titled Aaru. “Adding grace, charm, and power to #Suriya45 – welcome aboard, @trishakrishnan! A cinematic treat awaits,” production banner Dream Warrior Pictures shared on Instagram on Friday evening. Actress Trisha Krishnan is all set to share screen space with South star Suriya’s next movie after a long gap of 20 years. The film will be helmed by RJ Balaji and is tentatively titled Suriya 45. The duo last starred together in the 2005 film titled Aaru. “Adding grace, charm, and power to #Suriya45 – welcome aboard, @trishakrishnan! A cinematic treat awaits,” production banner Dream Warrior Pictures shared on Instagram on Friday evening. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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