Bollywood Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal have been blessed with a baby girl on Monday. Varun’s father and filmmaker David Dhawan confirmed the news while leaving from the hospital. While the director was sitting in his car, the paparazzi present over there questioned whether it is a baby girl. David Dhawan agreed and said Yes! it’s a baby girl. Varun Dhawan was also spotted in the video as he came out of the hospital to see off his father. Wishes have been pouring in from all corners of the nation. Bollywood Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal have been blessed with a baby girl on Monday. Varun’s father and filmmaker David Dhawan confirmed the news while leaving from the hospital. While the director was sitting in his car, the paparazzi present over there questioned whether it is a baby girl. David Dhawan agreed and said Yes! it’s a baby girl. Varun Dhawan was also spotted in the video as he came out of the hospital to see off his father. Wishes have been pouring in from all corners of the nation. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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