Vashu Bhagnani and Jackky Bhagnani’s Pooja Entertainment has recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons. The production banner has been in the news for the reports claiming that the company has not made payments of its dues and has sold its seven-floor office space, located in Mumbai’s Juhu area to pay off the debt. Reports also claimed that the company has laid off 80 per cent of its staff. In a chat with Times of India, Vashu Bhagnani refutes such claims and said, ”The building that people are talking about hasn’t been sold to anyone, it belongs to me even now. We are only redeveloping it into a tower that will house luxury homes.” Vashu Bhagnani and Jackky Bhagnani’s Pooja Entertainment has recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons. The production banner has been in the news for the reports claiming that the company has not made payments of its dues and has sold its seven-floor office space, located in Mumbai’s Juhu area to pay off the debt. Reports also claimed that the company has laid off 80 per cent of its staff. In a chat with Times of India, Vashu Bhagnani refutes such claims and said, ”The building that people are talking about hasn’t been sold to anyone, it belongs to me even now. We are only redeveloping it into a tower that will house luxury homes.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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