Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna graced the grand finale of India Couture Week 2024 with their presence. This spectacular fashion week concluded in Delhi on July 31. Both the stars mesmerized the audience with their stunning looks in the show. Rashmika Mandanna looked beautiful in a Falguni Shane Peacock India lehenga. With open hair and smoky eye makeup, she attracted people’s attention. At the same time, Vicky Kaushal looked very handsome in a light golden colour sherwani. Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna graced the grand finale of India Couture Week 2024 with their presence. This spectacular fashion week concluded in Delhi on July 31. Both the stars mesmerized the audience with their stunning looks in the show. Rashmika Mandanna looked beautiful in a Falguni Shane Peacock India lehenga. With open hair and smoky eye makeup, she attracted people’s attention. At the same time, Vicky Kaushal looked very handsome in a light golden colour sherwani. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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