Famous South Indian director Shankar, who has made many blockbuster films, is gearing up for his new film. According to media reports, he is going to direct a film based on SU Venkatesan’s Velpari novel. If the claims of the latest reports are to be believed, Shankar is planning to cast two of the biggest stars of South Indian cinema, Chiyaan Vikram and Suriya, in the film for this historical drama film. This news has created a stir among the fans. If all goes well, this will be Vikram’s third film with Shankar. Earlier, both have given memorable films like ‘Anniyan’ and ‘I’. Famous South Indian director Shankar, who has made many blockbuster films, is gearing up for his new film. According to media reports, he is going to direct a film based on SU Venkatesan’s Velpari novel. If the claims of the latest reports are to be believed, Shankar is planning to cast two of the biggest stars of South Indian cinema, Chiyaan Vikram and Suriya, in the film for this historical drama film. This news has created a stir among the fans. If all goes well, this will be Vikram’s third film with Shankar. Earlier, both have given memorable films like ‘Anniyan’ and ‘I’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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