New Delhi: Radhika Gupta, the MD and CEO of investment company Edelweiss took to social media platform X to state that irrespective of the poll outcome, and the market bloodbath that followed the country and economy will comtinue their onward march.Gupta invoked the words of the late Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpeyi to share that “Government will come and go, parties will emerge and dissolve, but the country should remain.”
While congratulating the people of the country she said that irrespective of the poll outcome, India and its democratic process should remain standing. She said that 1.4 billion Indians should be proud that democracy continues to stand irrespective of party lines. She added that while the mandate may not be as strong as predicted, the re will be a third term of a stable government accompanied by economic reforms.
Indian economy continues to grow
Gupta added that the Indian economy has doubled 6 years since 1980 and will continue to do so at $4 trillion. She said that the India story is defined by its demographic strength as well as the spirit of entrepreneurship in the country. “We can and should be the world’s third-largest economy,” said Gupta.
सरकारें आएंगी, जाएंगी, पार्टियां बनेंगी, बिगड़ेंगी मगर ये देश रहना चाहिए – अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी
One of our most iconic leaders, in an iconic address reminded us that while elections come and go, what should stand is India and India’s democratic process. Regardless of political…
— Radhika Gupta (@iRadhikaGupta) June 4, 2024
What should investors do amid choppy markets
Amid the choppy conditions seen in Indian markets since June 3, 2024, Gupta suggested that investors can take these days to be a reminder that markets and outcomes can “humble the best of us”. She said that investors must embrace volatility and stick to time-tested principles of:
Asset allocation
Calibrated risk
Radhika Gupta, MD and CEO of Edelweiss AMC told stock market investors to understand that volatility is real and to use time tested investment advice to navigate markets. She said that India’s democracy, demography and economic growth will carry on irrespective of poll results. Markets Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today