New Delhi: As MS Dhoni cut his 43rd birthday cake on Sunday, he didn’t just have the company of close friends and family but also had Bollywood megastar Salman Khan by his side. MSD’s wife Sakshi Dhoni had posted a video on her Instagram handle where Dhoni could be seen cutting a beautiful cake in front of a cheerful group of friends and a few hours later, Salman took to the social media to extend his wishes to the former Indian captain.
“Happy Birthday Kaptaan Sahab!,” he wrote along with a picture of him and Dhoni from the cake-cutting ceremony. The picture has broken the internet as fans are loving the “deadly combo” of Salman and Dhoni, as it has always been for the Indian fans who go crazy over cricket and Bollywood – probably the only two fields in India that is capable of pulling a huge crowd either on the internet or on the streets.
Happy Birthday Kaptaan Sahab!@msdhoni
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) July 6, 2024
Along with the picture, a video of the Bollywood actor standing alongside MS Dhoni has gone viral on social media. The video is from the same spot but with a different angle than that of Sakshi’s video, which revealed the presence of Salman Khan as well. In the short clip, Dhoni puts a piece of cake in Salman’s mouth as well after Sakshi. It has garnered huge number of comments as netizens are going berserk over the two veterans of their respective fields.
MS Dhoni cut the cake and celebrating his birthday with Salman Khan.👌
— Tanuj Singh (@ImTanujSingh) July 6, 2024
Salman – an MSD fanboy
The 58-year-old actor has never shied away from stating his love and admiration for MS Dhoni as a cricket player. He has said this on several cricket shows and even on “Big Boss” that he hosts that he absolutely loves Dhoni’s gameplay and the fact that he has maintained the “gentleman” tag of cricket which was long lost. His calmness and composure have been admired globally and Salman Khan is no exception as he too is a fanboy of the Ranchi lad.
Salman Khan being the biggest fanboy of MS Dhoni
— tina (@reyykabiraa) July 6, 2024
Salman Khan joined MS Dhoni for his 43rd birthday celebrations, the clip of which has spread like wildfire on the internet as fans are lauding the Bollywood-cricket combo. Cricket Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today