Mumbai: In Hindu culture, Gopashtami is celebrated with great enthusiasm every year on the Ashtami Tithi (eighth day) of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase) in the Kartik month. This day commemorates the momentous occasion when Lord Krishna, the preserver of the universe, first began to tend cows, symbolising his deep love for them. According to the Shrimad Bhagavatam, Krishna played with and cared deeply for the cows, demonstrating his affection and reverence for these gentle animals. By worshipping the cow on Gopashtami, devotees are believed to gain happiness, prosperity, spiritual growth, and a sense of peace in life.
According to the Hindu Panchang, the Ashtami Tithi in the Shukla Paksha of Kartik month begins at 11:56 PM on November 8, 2024, and will conclude at 10:45 PM on November 9, 2024. Therefore, Gopashtami will be observed on November 9, 2024, as per the Udaya Tithi (sunrise-based observance).
Auspicious Timings for Gopashtami 2024
Here are the favourable times to perform Gopashtami rituals:
Brahma Muhurat: 4:54 AM to 5:47 AM
Vijay Muhurat: 1:53 PM to 2:37 PM
Godhuli Muhurat: 5:30 PM to 5:57 PM
Abhijit Muhurat: 11:43 AM to 12:26 PM
Gopashtami Puja Vidhi
Begin the day with a bath and wear clean clothes. Select a clean place for the puja, decorating it with flowers, lamps, and incense sticks.
Clean the cow and adorn it with a garland.
Present water to the cow and feed it green fodder, fruits, and bread.
Recite specific mantras for the cow while performing the rituals.
Conclude the puja with an aarti and offer bhog (food offerings) to the cow.
On this day, donating to those in need is highly recommended.
The Legend Behind Gopashtami
According to the Shrimad Bhagavatam, when Krishna turned five and entered his sixth year, he expressed to his mother Yashoda his desire to become a cowherd. Krishna insisted on serving the cows, as it was his divine purpose. Yashoda, acknowledging his wish, promised him that she would do so on an auspicious day. Just then, Sage Shandilya arrived and found an auspicious time for Krishna to begin cow-tending on the Ashtami Tithi of Kartik Shukla Paksha.
With joy, Krishna embraced his mother, who adorned him with new attire. When Yashoda tried to put shoes on his feet, Krishna declined, saying, “If my cows do not wear shoes, how can I?” He then led the cows barefoot into Vrindavan, blessing the land with his divine presence as he played his flute.
Why Lord Krishna is Called ‘Govind’
The title ‘Govind,’ which means protector of cows, was bestowed upon Krishna because he safeguarded both cows and cowherds by lifting the Govardhan mountain on his little finger for seven days.
Gopashtami, celebrated on the Ashtami Tithi of Kartik Shukla Paksha, honours Lord Krishna’s deep love for cows. Observed on 9 November 2024, this festival brings spiritual blessings and peace to devotees. Spirituality Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips