The Malayalam Film Industry is going through a real frenzy after the Hema Committee report was made public last Monday. Superstar Mohanlal has resigned as president of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA). As per media reports, all the members of the executive committee consisting of 17 people have submitted their joint resignation. Well-known actor Siddique resigned from the post of General Secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) on Sunday after allegations of sexual harassment levelled by a famous actress. The actor said in a conversation that he had sent his resignation to the organisation’s then-president Mohanlal. On the other hand, Ranjith, a Malayalam director, had also recently resigned on the very day as chairman of the Kerala Chalachitra Academy following claims of impropriety levelled against him by Bengali actor Sreelekha Mitra. The Malayalam Film Industry is going through a real frenzy after the Hema Committee report was made public last Monday. Superstar Mohanlal has resigned as president of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA). As per media reports, all the members of the executive committee consisting of 17 people have submitted their joint resignation. Well-known actor Siddique resigned from the post of General Secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) on Sunday after allegations of sexual harassment levelled by a famous actress. The actor said in a conversation that he had sent his resignation to the organisation’s then-president Mohanlal. On the other hand, Ranjith, a Malayalam director, had also recently resigned on the very day as chairman of the Kerala Chalachitra Academy following claims of impropriety levelled against him by Bengali actor Sreelekha Mitra. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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