Bollywood star Akshay Kumar makes 4-5 films every year. But for some time now, Akshay Kumar’s luck is not supporting him at the box office. Akshay Kumar’s last 10 films have flopped at the box office except for OMG 2. Not only this, Akshay has been able to give only 2 hit films in the last 5 years. For some time now, Akki’s films have been lagging behind in terms of earnings. But now it seems like Khiladi Kumar’s luck is going to change. Bollywood star Akshay Kumar makes 4-5 films every year. But for some time now, Akshay Kumar’s luck is not supporting him at the box office. Akshay Kumar’s last 10 films have flopped at the box office except for OMG 2. Not only this, Akshay has been able to give only 2 hit films in the last 5 years. For some time now, Akki’s films have been lagging behind in terms of earnings. But now it seems like Khiladi Kumar’s luck is going to change. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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