Allu Arju’s latest offering Pushpa 2 remains unstoppable at the box office even after a month of its theatrical release. With the addition of its latest figures, the film has now touched the Rs 1,200 crore masrk in India. As per Sacnilk, Pushpa 2 minted Rs 5.5 crore on its fifth Saturday, taking the total nett collections in India to Rs 1,199 crore. Check out its day-wise nett collections in the fifth week. Allu Arju’s latest offering Pushpa 2 remains unstoppable at the box office even after a month of its theatrical release. With the addition of its latest figures, the film has now touched the Rs 1,200 crore masrk in India. As per Sacnilk, Pushpa 2 minted Rs 5.5 crore on its fifth Saturday, taking the total nett collections in India to Rs 1,199 crore. Check out its day-wise nett collections in the fifth week. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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