New Delhi: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife at his house in Mumbai on Wednesday night. The incident happened at around 2 am on 16th January at his house in Bandra. An unknown attacker allegedly entered the house with the intention of robbery and attacked the actor. Saif is reported to have sustained multiple injuries after an intruder attacked him with a knife. The actor was taken to the Lilavati Hospital for medical treatment.
In this article, let’s have a look at Saif Ali Khan’s ancestral home – Pataudi Palace – which is priced more than the residences of Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan.
Comparing Pataudi Palace with Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat and Amitabh’s Jalsa
The Pataudi Palace is located in Haryana and is spread over about 10 acres. It is also known as Ibrahim Kothi. The price of this palace is estimated to be around Rs 800 crore. According to media reports, the price of Jalsa – the residence of Amitabh Bachchan – is estimated to be around Rs 100 to 120 crores.
Whereas the price of Mannat – the house of Shah Rukh Khan – is said to be Rs 200 crores. Pataudi Palace was constructed by Saif’s grandfather, Nawab Iftikhar Ali Khan in the early 1900s. Its design was inspired by the Imperial Hotel in Delhi and was created by architects Robert Tor Russell and Karl Moltz von Heinz.
The Pataudi Palace was given on lease to Neemrana Hotel Group from 2005 to 2014. Later, Saif bought it back with the money he earned from films. He had said in an interview, I have regained the house which I should have inherited with hard work.
Pataudi Palace has a total of 150 rooms, which include 7 grand bedrooms, dining hall, billiards room, children’s play area and library. The dining hall has seating for 22 people and is decorated with beautiful chandeliers and large windows. Its lawns are surrounded by lush green trees, making it a great place for family gatherings.
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife at his Mumbai residence. This article explores the opulent Pataudi Palace, Saif’s ancestral home in Haryana. Valued at approximately Rs 800 crore, it surpasses the estimated worth of residences owned by Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan – Jalsa and Mannat. Biz News Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today