2024’s Bollywood film Laapataa Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao, was India’s official entry to the Oscars 2025 in the Best Foreign Language Film category. However, the film featuring newcomers Pratibha Ranta, Nitanshi Goel and Sparsh Shrivastav failed to make it into the top 15. Yes! The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the shortlists in 10 categories for the upcoming 97th Oscars ceremony on Tuesday. However, this list didn’t have the name of Kiran Rao’s Laapataa Ladies in the shortlist of the Best International Feature Film category. 2024’s Bollywood film Laapataa Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao, was India’s official entry to the Oscars 2025 in the Best Foreign Language Film category. However, the film featuring newcomers Pratibha Ranta, Nitanshi Goel and Sparsh Shrivastav failed to make it into the top 15. Yes! The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the shortlists in 10 categories for the upcoming 97th Oscars ceremony on Tuesday. However, this list didn’t have the name of Kiran Rao’s Laapataa Ladies in the shortlist of the Best International Feature Film category. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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