Legendary singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya, who was one of the popular voices behind Shah Rukh Khan in the ’90s and early 2000s era, recently opened up about his rift with the actor and why he now is not chosen as his playback singer. In a talk with news agency ANI, the singer revealed that grudges between the two began after he felt that he was not being properly credited for his work. Abhijeet has delivered some of the most memorable songs like ‘Chaand Taare’, ‘Tauba Tumhare Ye Ishaare’, ‘Woh Ladki Jo’, which were pictured on SRK. Legendary singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya, who was one of the popular voices behind Shah Rukh Khan in the ’90s and early 2000s era, recently opened up about his rift with the actor and why he now is not chosen as his playback singer. In a talk with news agency ANI, the singer revealed that grudges between the two began after he felt that he was not being properly credited for his work. Abhijeet has delivered some of the most memorable songs like ‘Chaand Taare’, ‘Tauba Tumhare Ye Ishaare’, ‘Woh Ladki Jo’, which were pictured on SRK. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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