Bollywood actors Sunny Kaushal, Nimrat Kaur and Medha Shankar will soon be seen in a film together. It is being told that this will be a detective comedy film. This will be the first time when all three actors will share the screen together. Sunny Kaushal, who recently caught the attention of the audience with his performance in the romantic thriller ‘Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba’, has started shooting for his film in Rajasthan. After Vikrant in 12th Fail, now Medha will share screen space with another Haseen Dilruba actor. Bollywood actors Sunny Kaushal, Nimrat Kaur and Medha Shankar will soon be seen in a film together. It is being told that this will be a detective comedy film. This will be the first time when all three actors will share the screen together. Sunny Kaushal, who recently caught the attention of the audience with his performance in the romantic thriller ‘Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba’, has started shooting for his film in Rajasthan. After Vikrant in 12th Fail, now Medha will share screen space with another Haseen Dilruba actor. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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