New Delhi: Now you can pay Rs 500 and avail the Air India flight fare lock policy. The Tata Group owned full-service carrier has introduced the ‘Fare Lock’ feature to allow travellers to lock airfares of its flights at least 10 days in advance on payment on certain nominal fees. The charges levied on this facility is different for domestic and international flights. Fees are also different for arrival and departing flights in and from India.
Air India fare lock details
With just Rs 500 – Lock airfares of all domestic flights (both arriving and departing flights in and to India)
With just Rs 850 – Lock airfares of all short-haul international flights (flights departing from India)
With just $10 – Lock airfares of all short-haul international flights (flights arriving in India)
With just Rs 1,500 – Lock airfares of all long-haul international flights (flights departing from India)
With just $18 – Lock airfares of all long-haul international flights (flights arriving in India)
Lock airfare for two days
The catch here in the Air India fare lock policy is that you can lock the fares only for 48 hours. Plus, the fees are non-refundable. After you have availed this facility and paid the charges and in case you miss your flight, then, the airline will not refund the fees that you have paid to avail the ‘Fare Lock’ feature.
An official statement of the airline said, “This helps customers to plan their travels without having to worry about unexpected fluctuations in fares and availability for their preferred flight options. The feature is available for flight options at least 10 days away from the date of booking the service.”
Air India also posted on “X” (formerly Twitter) on the ‘Fare Lock’ feature
Plan now, pay later!
With Air India’s Fare Lock, enjoy the convenience of securing your fare for a minimal fee starting at ₹500*/USD 10* and confirming your booking within 48 hours. Available for flights scheduled at least 10 days from the booking date.#FlyAI #AirIndia…
— Air India (@airindia) June 5, 2024
Some online travel booking portals like Make My Trip and Ixigo already provide this feature on flights of different airlines. Now, Air India has introduced the ‘Fare Lock’ feature specifically for its aircraft.
Air India fare lock: Travellers can lock airfares of flights of Tata Group-owned carrier, Air India, at least 10 days in advance on all domestic and international routes. Companies Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today