South Indian International Movie Awards 2024 (SIIMA) was held in Dubai recently. Aaradhya Bachchan attended the award night with her mother Aishwarya Rai. During the event, she was spotted supporting and cheering for her mother. Aaradhya is often spotted by her mother’s side at events and at airports. This time, she is also being lauded for her sweet gesture and the traditional values she has inherited from her parents. A video from the award night is doing rounds on social media wherein can be seen greeting legendary actor Shiva Rajkumar with folded hands. Not only this she also showcased her traditional values and went on to touch his feet. South Indian International Movie Awards 2024 (SIIMA) was held in Dubai recently. Aaradhya Bachchan attended the award night with her mother Aishwarya Rai. During the event, she was spotted supporting and cheering for her mother. Aaradhya is often spotted by her mother’s side at events and at airports. This time, she is also being lauded for her sweet gesture and the traditional values she has inherited from her parents. A video from the award night is doing rounds on social media wherein can be seen greeting legendary actor Shiva Rajkumar with folded hands. Not only this she also showcased her traditional values and went on to touch his feet. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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