Actor Ajaz Khan filed his nomination on Tuesday from Versova constituency as a candidate of the Azaad Samaj Party (Kanshi Ram). In his affidavit, he declared assets worth over Rs 41 lakh, which shockingly includes a car worth Rs 34 lakh and a bike worth Rs 1,45,000. The gross total value of his assets is Rs 41,56,689. As per his affidavit, he has just Rs 1 lakh as cash and around 5,10,000 in two bank accounts. His affidavit also mentioned the net worth of his wife, who has Rs 55,000 as cash in hand and 50 grams of gold worth Rs 4 lakh. Actor Ajaz Khan filed his nomination on Tuesday from Versova constituency as a candidate of the Azaad Samaj Party (Kanshi Ram). In his affidavit, he declared assets worth over Rs 41 lakh, which shockingly includes a car worth Rs 34 lakh and a bike worth Rs 1,45,000. The gross total value of his assets is Rs 41,56,689. As per his affidavit, he has just Rs 1 lakh as cash and around 5,10,000 in two bank accounts. His affidavit also mentioned the net worth of his wife, who has Rs 55,000 as cash in hand and 50 grams of gold worth Rs 4 lakh. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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