Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar recently visited Haji Ali Dargah in Mumbai. Pictures of the actor have surfaced on social media. During his visit, the actor also donated some amount to the Dargah’s renovation work. Many pictures of Akshay Kumar praying at the Dargah are going viral. In the photo, the actor is seen going to offer a chadar at the Dargah. Wearing a casual outfit, the actor had covered his forehead and prayed for the success of his upcoming film ‘Khel Khel Mein’. Along with his visit, the actor’s generosity towards the renowned pilgrimage site has garnered attention. Social media users have been applauding the actor for his philanthropy. Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar recently visited Haji Ali Dargah in Mumbai. Pictures of the actor have surfaced on social media. During his visit, the actor also donated some amount to the Dargah’s renovation work. Many pictures of Akshay Kumar praying at the Dargah are going viral. In the photo, the actor is seen going to offer a chadar at the Dargah. Wearing a casual outfit, the actor had covered his forehead and prayed for the success of his upcoming film ‘Khel Khel Mein’. Along with his visit, the actor’s generosity towards the renowned pilgrimage site has garnered attention. Social media users have been applauding the actor for his philanthropy. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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