Akshay Kumar celebrated Makar Sankranti in Rajasthan’s Jaipur with his Bhooth Bangla co-star Paresh Rawal. Taking to his Instagram handle, he even shared a video of himself and Paresh flying kite on the roof of a building. ”Celebrating the vibrant spirit of Makar Sankranti on the set of #BhoothBangla with my dear friend @pareshrawalofficial ! Here’s to laughter, good vibes, and soaring high just like the kites! And sending my best wishes for a joyous Pongal, Uttarayan and Bihu,” he wrote along with the post. Akshay Kumar celebrated Makar Sankranti in Rajasthan’s Jaipur with his Bhooth Bangla co-star Paresh Rawal. Taking to his Instagram handle, he even shared a video of himself and Paresh flying kite on the roof of a building. ”Celebrating the vibrant spirit of Makar Sankranti on the set of #BhoothBangla with my dear friend @pareshrawalofficial ! Here’s to laughter, good vibes, and soaring high just like the kites! And sending my best wishes for a joyous Pongal, Uttarayan and Bihu,” he wrote along with the post. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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