Bollywood’s veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan is known for expressing his opinions on social media. He is a social media freak and in a few words, he expresses his heartfelt and deep thoughts through a post. The world of social media is often abuzz with his posts. On Thursday morning also, he shared a post which went viral as soon as it was released. People who have seen this post are trying to understand what Amitabh Bachchan is hinting at. On one hand, the news of the separation of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai is constantly doing the rounds, in such a situation, people are linking this post to that. Whatever it may be, Amitabh’s post has a piece of special and big advice for living life. Bollywood’s veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan is known for expressing his opinions on social media. He is a social media freak and in a few words, he expresses his heartfelt and deep thoughts through a post. The world of social media is often abuzz with his posts. On Thursday morning also, he shared a post which went viral as soon as it was released. People who have seen this post are trying to understand what Amitabh Bachchan is hinting at. On one hand, the news of the separation of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai is constantly doing the rounds, in such a situation, people are linking this post to that. Whatever it may be, Amitabh’s post has a piece of special and big advice for living life. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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