TV actor Amit Tandon took social media by surprise on Saturday when his interview with Siddharth Kannan was released. While the actor spoke openly about his marriage, TV career and bond with Karan Patel among others, what shocked the most was his revelation about his relationships. The Dil Mil Gaye actor admitted that he cheated on his wife with multiple women before getting divorced in 2017 and reconciling in 2023. TV actor Amit Tandon took social media by surprise on Saturday when his interview with Siddharth Kannan was released. While the actor spoke openly about his marriage, TV career and bond with Karan Patel among others, what shocked the most was his revelation about his relationships. The Dil Mil Gaye actor admitted that he cheated on his wife with multiple women before getting divorced in 2017 and reconciling in 2023. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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