Ananya Panday among several other B-towners rang in New Year with the Ambani family in Jamnagar. The Call Me Bae actress shared a group picture from the party on her Instagram handle, also featuring Janhvi Kapoor, Anant Ambani, Radhika Merchant, and Shikhar Pahariya, among others. ”Happy shiny friends,” Ananya captioned her post along with a red heart emoji. In the picture, Ananya is seen wearing a black outfit while Janhvi opted for a multi-colour vibrant sweater along with blue denims. Ananya Panday among several other B-towners rang in New Year with the Ambani family in Jamnagar. The Call Me Bae actress shared a group picture from the party on her Instagram handle, also featuring Janhvi Kapoor, Anant Ambani, Radhika Merchant, and Shikhar Pahariya, among others. ”Happy shiny friends,” Ananya captioned her post along with a red heart emoji. In the picture, Ananya is seen wearing a black outfit while Janhvi opted for a multi-colour vibrant sweater along with blue denims. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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