Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu took charge after performing a special puja at first block of the Secretariat at Velagapudi in Guntur district at 4.41 pm on Thursday.
He signed five files related to Mega DSC notification, repeal of AP Land Titling Act, increasing pensions to 4,000 from 3,000, conducting skill census in the state, reopening of Anna canteens, immediately after assuming office.
The five promises were made in the run-up to the elections and the NDA intends to fulfil all promises, TDP leaders said.
Mega DSC notification:
DSC notifications for the filling of 16,347 teacher posts would be issued, Naidu promised during the election campaign and in view of the promise, it became the first file he signed.
Naidu promised that social security pensions for the elderly, widows and other beneficiaries will be increased to Rs 4,000.
Land Titling Act:
During the election campaign, the alliance parties repeatedly accused that the previous government brought Land Titling Law on October 31, 2023 to grab the immovable property of the people. Under the guise of this law, different sections have been created to allow government and private individuals to occupy land and no protection was given to citizens, NDA alleged. This law would now be repealed.
Anna canteens:
During the previous TDP government in 2014, 183 canteens were opened across AP to provide each meal at Rs 5 and Rs.15 for three meals. YSRCP government discontinued Anna canteens. Naidu announced that Anna canteens will be restored during the election campaign. As a part of this, the fourth signature was done on the renovation of the canteens.
State Government Chief Secretary Nirabh Kumar Prasad, State Ministers Achennaidu, Kollu Ravindra, Nimmala Ramanaidu, Payyavula Keshav and others participated in the programme.
The files were related to Mega DSC notification, repeal of AP Land Titling Act, increasing pensions to 4,000 from 3,000, conducting skill census in the state, reopening of Anna canteens. Andhra Pradesh States News India: Top News India, States News, States News Headlines, Online State News India, State Politics news