The duo of Manu Bhaker and Sarabjot Singh helped India add one more medal to its tally after they clinched the Bronze medal in the 10m air pistol mixed team event. Manu-Sarabjot’s duo defeated the South Korean pair of Oh Yeh-jin and Lee Won-ho 16-10. Bollywood veteran Anil Kapoor is one the first celebs, who congratulated the team of Manu and Bhaker for this milestone. The actor to his Instagram handle and congratulated them by sharing their picture together in the Stories section. ”Another win for India!! Congratualtions!!” he wrote along with their picture. The duo of Manu Bhaker and Sarabjot Singh helped India add one more medal to its tally after they clinched the Bronze medal in the 10m air pistol mixed team event. Manu-Sarabjot’s duo defeated the South Korean pair of Oh Yeh-jin and Lee Won-ho 16-10. Bollywood veteran Anil Kapoor is one the first celebs, who congratulated the team of Manu and Bhaker for this milestone. The actor to his Instagram handle and congratulated them by sharing their picture together in the Stories section. ”Another win for India!! Congratualtions!!” he wrote along with their picture. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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