Bollywood diva Anushka Sharma on Friday evening was spotted with husband Virat Kohli at Mumbai airport as the lovebirds jetted off for the upcoming T20 World Cup in West Indies and USA. A picture of the duo with the airport staff is doing rounds on the internet wherein Anushka and Virat are seen posing with them. In the picture, Anushka is seen wearing a black t-shirt paired with blue denim while Virat is seen in a beige shirt over a round neck white t-shirt along with black pants. Bollywood diva Anushka Sharma on Friday evening was spotted with husband Virat Kohli at Mumbai airport as the lovebirds jetted off for the upcoming T20 World Cup in West Indies and USA. A picture of the duo with the airport staff is doing rounds on the internet wherein Anushka and Virat are seen posing with them. In the picture, Anushka is seen wearing a black t-shirt paired with blue denim while Virat is seen in a beige shirt over a round neck white t-shirt along with black pants. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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