Malaika Arora’s step-father Anil Mehta’s death by suicide came as a shock in the film industry on Wednesday morning. As per India TV’s Rajesh Kumar, Malaika’s step-father jumped off from the sixth floor of a building in Mumbai. The actress was not in the town when the incident occurred, as she was in Pune. However, she has left town and is headed to Mumbai. Now, a video of the actress’ ex-husband Arbaaz Khan arriving at her residence has surfaced. In the video, Arbaaz can be seen talking to someone on the phone. He also avoided paparazzi and went straight inside the residence, Ayesha Manor. Malaika Arora’s step-father Anil Mehta’s death by suicide came as a shock in the film industry on Wednesday morning. As per India TV’s Rajesh Kumar, Malaika’s step-father jumped off from the sixth floor of a building in Mumbai. The actress was not in the town when the incident occurred, as she was in Pune. However, she has left town and is headed to Mumbai. Now, a video of the actress’ ex-husband Arbaaz Khan arriving at her residence has surfaced. In the video, Arbaaz can be seen talking to someone on the phone. He also avoided paparazzi and went straight inside the residence, Ayesha Manor. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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