Ayushmann Khurrana shared a special birthday post for his younger brother and actor Aparshakti on Tuesday. Taking to his Instagram handle, Ayushmann shared a series of nostalgic pictures, celebrating his brother’s special day. The first pic in the post is from their childhood years wherein they are posing like boxers, who are ready to fight. The next one features toddler Aparshakti sitting on his father’s lap while the last one features their family portrait. Ayushmann Khurrana shared a special birthday post for his younger brother and actor Aparshakti on Tuesday. Taking to his Instagram handle, Ayushmann shared a series of nostalgic pictures, celebrating his brother’s special day. The first pic in the post is from their childhood years wherein they are posing like boxers, who are ready to fight. The next one features toddler Aparshakti sitting on his father’s lap while the last one features their family portrait. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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