Bollywood actor Kartik Aryan’s last release Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has been in the news once again after its OTT release. The multi-starrer has been released on Netflix after a profitable run at the box office. The third instalment of this horror-comedy film franchise clashed with another multi-starrer Singham Again. However, not only did Kartik’s film defeat the rest but also made this film, the biggest blockbuster of his acting career. Before BB3, Kartik was seen in Kabir Khan’s Chandu Champion, a film much better than these Diwali releases but unfortunately didn’t have many audiences in theatres. Bollywood actor Kartik Aryan’s last release Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has been in the news once again after its OTT release. The multi-starrer has been released on Netflix after a profitable run at the box office. The third instalment of this horror-comedy film franchise clashed with another multi-starrer Singham Again. However, not only did Kartik’s film defeat the rest but also made this film, the biggest blockbuster of his acting career. Before BB3, Kartik was seen in Kabir Khan’s Chandu Champion, a film much better than these Diwali releases but unfortunately didn’t have many audiences in theatres. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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