A video of Bigg Boss 18 contestants Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga and Gunaratna Sadavarte is doing rounds on social media wherein the two are seen raising several popular slogans including ‘Jai Shree Ram’ and ‘Vande Mataram. The 11-second viral clip shared by Tajinder Bagga features himself raising slogans from inside BB Jail while Gunaratna is raising slogans from the Garden area of Bigg Boss 18 House. The viral clip begins with Gunaratna chanting ‘Vande Mataram’, which is followed by Tajinder. Then, Gunaratna chanted ‘Jai Shree Ram’, which Tajinder also chanted from the jail. In the end, Tajinder then raised the ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ki Jai’ slogan. A video of Bigg Boss 18 contestants Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga and Gunaratna Sadavarte is doing rounds on social media wherein the two are seen raising several popular slogans including ‘Jai Shree Ram’ and ‘Vande Mataram. The 11-second viral clip shared by Tajinder Bagga features himself raising slogans from inside BB Jail while Gunaratna is raising slogans from the Garden area of Bigg Boss 18 House. The viral clip begins with Gunaratna chanting ‘Vande Mataram’, which is followed by Tajinder. Then, Gunaratna chanted ‘Jai Shree Ram’, which Tajinder also chanted from the jail. In the end, Tajinder then raised the ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ki Jai’ slogan. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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