Chandrika Dixit, popularly known as Vada Pav Girl, is all set to participate in the upcoming reality show, Bigg Boss OTT 3. A video was shared by JioCinema on its official social media accounts wherein the Vada Pav Girl can be seen making vada pav at her stall. However, the makers of the show didn’t confirm the news and asked the fans to identify the first confirmed contestant and wrote, ”Spice, drama and entertainment… sab milega when our first contestant enters the Bigg Boss house. Can you guess who this #TeekhiMirchi is?” Chandrika Dixit, popularly known as Vada Pav Girl, is all set to participate in the upcoming reality show, Bigg Boss OTT 3. A video was shared by JioCinema on its official social media accounts wherein the Vada Pav Girl can be seen making vada pav at her stall. However, the makers of the show didn’t confirm the news and asked the fans to identify the first confirmed contestant and wrote, ”Spice, drama and entertainment… sab milega when our first contestant enters the Bigg Boss house. Can you guess who this #TeekhiMirchi is?” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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