Sana Makbul on Friday emerged as the winner of the latest season of Bigg Boss OTT 3. After entertaining for 42 days inside the BB House, Sana lifted the Bigg Boss OTT 3 trophy and took home a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh. Post winning the title, Sana talked to the news agency ANI, where she recounted her days inside the BB House and shared her experience with other housemates. Sana Makbul on Friday emerged as the winner of the latest season of Bigg Boss OTT 3. After entertaining for 42 days inside the BB House, Sana lifted the Bigg Boss OTT 3 trophy and took home a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh. Post winning the title, Sana talked to the news agency ANI, where she recounted her days inside the BB House and shared her experience with other housemates. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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