Actor Arshad Warsi recently made headlines after his ‘joker’ remark on Prabhas’ performance in Kalki 2898 AD went viral. In the same interview, Arshad also alleged that he was underpaid for choreography in the 1993 flick Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja, which was produced by Boney Kapoor. He claimed that he got Rs 25,000 less than what he was promised for the four-day shoot. Now, the producer has come forward and reacted to the claims made by the actor. In an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Boney Kapoor stated that he laughed after reading Arshad’s claims and said that the film was shot in 1992 and back then the actor was not a star. Actor Arshad Warsi recently made headlines after his ‘joker’ remark on Prabhas’ performance in Kalki 2898 AD went viral. In the same interview, Arshad also alleged that he was underpaid for choreography in the 1993 flick Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja, which was produced by Boney Kapoor. He claimed that he got Rs 25,000 less than what he was promised for the four-day shoot. Now, the producer has come forward and reacted to the claims made by the actor. In an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Boney Kapoor stated that he laughed after reading Arshad’s claims and said that the film was shot in 1992 and back then the actor was not a star. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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