Chennai: Days after the murder of Tamil Nadu Bahujan Samaj Party president K Armstrong, the party on Monday appointed P Anandan, a Supreme Court lawyer, as the new president of the BSP. Armstrong’s bereaved wife, Porkodi, has been appointed as the Tamil Nadu coordinator of the party.
“After the consideration and advice of the national president of Bahujan Samaj Party, Baganji Mayawati, under the leadership of the central coordinators of the party, Mr Ashoksidharth and Mr.Gopinath, Tamil Nadu Bahujan Samaj Party State Coordinator Ms. Porkodi Armstrong, State President Mr. P. Anandan, State Vice President T. Ilaman Shekhar and State Mr. Kamalvelselvan have also been appointed as the treasurer,” the release from BSP said.
Armstrong, who served as the state president of the Bahujan Samaj Party, was killed near his home in Chennai on the 5th of July. Till now, functionaries from various political parties like BJP, AIADMK, and DMK have been arrested in connection with Armstrong’s murder.
While the opposition parties were demanding that the Armstrong murder case should be transferred to the CBI, the state police department is conducting the investigation. Chief Minister Stalin personally assured Armstrong’s wife Porkodi that whoever was involved in the murder would be punished according to law.
Armstrong’s death: Armstrong, who served as the state president of the Bahujan Samaj Party, was killed near his home in Chennai on the 5th of July. Till now, functionaries from various political parties like BJP, AIADMK, and DMK have been arrested in connection with Armstrong’s murder. Tamil Nadu States News India: Top News India, States News, States News Headlines, Online State News India, State Politics news