New Delhi: Hardik Pandya’s ex-wife actor and model Natasha Stankovic and Internet sensation Elvish Yadav recently shared a reel on social media, which broke the Internet and went viral on social media. In the first clip, Elvish and Natasha were seen outside a mall in Mumbai. Both were leaving the car and got the mixed reaction from the paparazzi.
The first clip was shared by the ‘instant Bollywood’ Instagram page. Elvish and Natasha are also seen in another reel, in which both are seen walking together. Netizens called the second clip as ‘broke the internet’.
The video was also called the ‘surprise collab of the year’, the video shocked every cricket fan, especially Hardik Pandya’s fans. Reports claimed that Elvish and Natasha were not on a date night out, Both came to promote their new song together.
Watch the reel here:
Natasha took a break from social media after the divorce. She was spending quality time with her son Agastya in Serbia. Hardik and Natasha tied the knot in 2020, and after several years, both parted ways.
Meanwhile, Elvish was recently seen in Big Boss OTT season 2. The police also caught him in a snake venom and money laundering case.
Hardik Pandya’s dashing knock against Bangladesh
Men in Blue destroyed the bowling lineup of Bangladesh in the third T20I in Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad on October 12, Saturday. India’s team posted 297/6 while batting first, It was the highest total by a test-playing nation in T20 International cricket.
Hardik Pandya played a monstrous knock of 47 runs in just 18 balls. Pandya hit 4 magnificent sixes in his innings including a helicopter shot. Fans called this Pandya’s blistering as vengeance from Pandya’s side after her ex-wife reel went viral.
Internet sensation Elvish Yadav and Hardik Pandya’s ex-wife Natasha Stankovic broke the internet by sharing a surprise Instagram reel on social media. Cricket Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today