After the success of Call Me Bae, Bollywood diva Ananya Panday is back with another interesting story. Netflix unveiled the trailer for her upcoming film, CTRL, on Wednesday morning. Vikramaditya Motwane’s directorial depicts a cutting-edge thriller about our rising dependency on technology. The trailer shows Ananya as Nella Awasthi and Vihaan Samat as Joe Mascarenhas, a couple who create content together and are popular on social media. However, their perfect online takes a complete turn when they break up and Ananya through an online app desires to delete him from her life. After the success of Call Me Bae, Bollywood diva Ananya Panday is back with another interesting story. Netflix unveiled the trailer for her upcoming film, CTRL, on Wednesday morning. Vikramaditya Motwane’s directorial depicts a cutting-edge thriller about our rising dependency on technology. The trailer shows Ananya as Nella Awasthi and Vihaan Samat as Joe Mascarenhas, a couple who create content together and are popular on social media. However, their perfect online takes a complete turn when they break up and Ananya through an online app desires to delete him from her life. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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