Bollywood actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were spotted with their newborn daughter Dua at Mumbai’s Kalina airport on Friday. Seems like the couple is finally taking a vacation with their daughter. While Deepika was seen wearing a polka dot top, Ranveer Singh wore a pink tracksuit and matched his outfit with daughter Dua. Dua, who was seen in her mother’s arms, packed and hidden was also wearing pink pants. The couple were spotted at Mumbai’s private airport along with Ranveer Singh’s mother Anju Bhavnani. Bollywood actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were spotted with their newborn daughter Dua at Mumbai’s Kalina airport on Friday. Seems like the couple is finally taking a vacation with their daughter. While Deepika was seen wearing a polka dot top, Ranveer Singh wore a pink tracksuit and matched his outfit with daughter Dua. Dua, who was seen in her mother’s arms, packed and hidden was also wearing pink pants. The couple were spotted at Mumbai’s private airport along with Ranveer Singh’s mother Anju Bhavnani. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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