Legendary actor Dharmendra, who recently celebrated his 89th birthday, has landed in trouble after a Delhi court issued a summon to him and two others in a cheating case related to Garam Dharam Dhaba. As per a post by news agency ANI, the summon is issued on a complaint filed by a Delhi businessman who alleged cheating by luring him to invest in the franchise of Garam Dharam Dhaba. Legendary actor Dharmendra, who recently celebrated his 89th birthday, has landed in trouble after a Delhi court issued a summon to him and two others in a cheating case related to Garam Dharam Dhaba. As per a post by news agency ANI, the summon is issued on a complaint filed by a Delhi businessman who alleged cheating by luring him to invest in the franchise of Garam Dharam Dhaba. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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