National Award-winning actor Dhanush has filed a civil lawsuit against Jawan actor Nayanthara. In this, she has been accused of using footage from his production Naanum Rowdy Dhan in her Netflix documentary without his consent. The case was filed in the Madras High Court and in it, both Nayanthara, her husband and filmmaker Vignesh Sivan have been named as defendants. Wunderbar Films has filed an application in the Madras High Court seeking permission to include Los Gatos Production Services India LLP in its suit under Clause 12 of the Letters Patent. Wunderbar Films seeks to sue Los Gatos along with other defendants within the jurisdiction of the Madras High Court. Nayanthara has reportedly been asked to respond to the suit by the next hearing. National Award-winning actor Dhanush has filed a civil lawsuit against Jawan actor Nayanthara. In this, she has been accused of using footage from his production Naanum Rowdy Dhan in her Netflix documentary without his consent. The case was filed in the Madras High Court and in it, both Nayanthara, her husband and filmmaker Vignesh Sivan have been named as defendants. Wunderbar Films has filed an application in the Madras High Court seeking permission to include Los Gatos Production Services India LLP in its suit under Clause 12 of the Letters Patent. Wunderbar Films seeks to sue Los Gatos along with other defendants within the jurisdiction of the Madras High Court. Nayanthara has reportedly been asked to respond to the suit by the next hearing. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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