Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh reached Bengaluru recently ahead of his show on Friday, December 6, 2024. During his visit to the city, he made a memorable stop at the iconic Rameshwaram Cafe where he enjoyed Idli and Dosa. A video has been shared by Team Dosanjh on Instagram, which features with Diljit and his team departing from Punjab airport and arriving in Bengaluru. After landing at the Bengalur airport, he headed straight to Rameshwaram Cafe, where he enjoyed the famous Ghee Podi Idli from the comfort of his car. Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh reached Bengaluru recently ahead of his show on Friday, December 6, 2024. During his visit to the city, he made a memorable stop at the iconic Rameshwaram Cafe where he enjoyed Idli and Dosa. A video has been shared by Team Dosanjh on Instagram, which features with Diljit and his team departing from Punjab airport and arriving in Bengaluru. After landing at the Bengalur airport, he headed straight to Rameshwaram Cafe, where he enjoyed the famous Ghee Podi Idli from the comfort of his car. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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