After attending the last rites of Tishaa Kumar, daughter of T-Series co-owner Krishan Kumar, actor Divya Khossla shared a heartwarming post on her Instagram account. Taking to her official handle, she posted unseen pictures and videos of Tishaa. In one of the pictures in the post, Divya is seen having fun on a vacation with Tishaa. In one of the videos, Tishaa is seen smiling and posing for camera. Along with the post, Divya also penned a special message, which read, ”Tishaa you will remain in our hearts forever gone so soon, @tanyasingghofficial may God give you the strength to go through this most painful loss. #tishaakumar #OmShanti” After attending the last rites of Tishaa Kumar, daughter of T-Series co-owner Krishan Kumar, actor Divya Khossla shared a heartwarming post on her Instagram account. Taking to her official handle, she posted unseen pictures and videos of Tishaa. In one of the pictures in the post, Divya is seen having fun on a vacation with Tishaa. In one of the videos, Tishaa is seen smiling and posing for camera. Along with the post, Divya also penned a special message, which read, ”Tishaa you will remain in our hearts forever gone so soon, @tanyasingghofficial may God give you the strength to go through this most painful loss. #tishaakumar #OmShanti” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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