Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon is gearing up for the release of her first film as a producer. Titled Do Patti, the film also marks the Bollywood debut of TV heartthrob Shaheer Sheikh. A quiet hill station may contain more than meets the eye, as the teaser for Netflix’s Do Patti suggests. Directed by debut filmmaker Shashanka Chaturvedi and written by Kanika Dhillon, the film stars Kajol in her maiden appearance as a police inspector. Kriti Sanon plays competing twins opposite Shaheer Sheikh, who is desperate to keep his own secrets. The Netflix thriller is produced by Kanika Dhillon’s Kathha Pictures and Kriti Sanon’s Blue Butterfly Films. Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon is gearing up for the release of her first film as a producer. Titled Do Patti, the film also marks the Bollywood debut of TV heartthrob Shaheer Sheikh. A quiet hill station may contain more than meets the eye, as the teaser for Netflix’s Do Patti suggests. Directed by debut filmmaker Shashanka Chaturvedi and written by Kanika Dhillon, the film stars Kajol in her maiden appearance as a police inspector. Kriti Sanon plays competing twins opposite Shaheer Sheikh, who is desperate to keep his own secrets. The Netflix thriller is produced by Kanika Dhillon’s Kathha Pictures and Kriti Sanon’s Blue Butterfly Films. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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